Online Dacia Radio Code Retrieval
Retrieve your Dacia radio code quickly, no matter the model. Just enter the VIN (vehicle identification number) or the radio’s serial number into the generator above, and you’ll get the code in under 60 seconds.
Find your Dacia radio info
Step-by-step guide to retrieve the information required for unlocking the code of your Dacia radio.

Where to find the VIN Number
The VIN uniquely identifies your Dacia car. Example of a valid VIN number: UU155DAAC50131170. You can find it in the following places:
- In the car’s documents, including the insurance policy.
- On the left side of the engine compartment, where you’ll usually find a plate with this information.
- Visible from the outside, on the lower left side of the windshield.
- Also, check the passenger side door frame, where there’s often a plate with the VIN.
There may be more locations where you can find the VIN, depending on the car model.
How to find your dacia radio serial number
Carefully pull the audio device out of the center console. When it’s pulled out, you’ll see a label with a Renault stamp. In rare cases, it may also be manufactured by Blaupunkt. Look for the serial number above or below the barcode — here are some examples of what it should look like:
- 7700426414A533
- 281150063RTB268
- A037
- 8200178157TF456
- T0V429
- BP6500V9284635

Free Dacia Radio Code Generator
Do you want to unlock your Dacia radio code but don’t want to spend any money? Enter your serial number in the generator above and receive your code free of charge and without waiting. Please note that it’s not possible to get the code for free via the VIN number. Get your Dacia radio code for free now only! This offer is subject to change at any time without notice.
How to enter your Dacia Radio Code
Now that you’ve got your Dacia radio code, follow these steps to unlock your radio:
- Turn the radio on.
- The screen will display 0000. The leftmost 0 should be flashing.
- Preset buttons 1 to 4 correspond to each digit of your code.
- Press button 1 until the first digit matches the first digit of your radio code.
- Repeat with buttons 2, 3, and 4 to enter the remaining digits.
For example, if your radio code is 5241, enter it like this: If you make a mistake, press the corresponding preset button to adjust the digit.